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Writer's pictureGavin Robinson

Captain Can't Be Wrong



Whether you're on an actual sports team, beer league team, rec league team, esports team, or any kind of group working towards a common goal, we have all had to deal with a CCBW at some point or another in our lives.  The guy (or girl) who points out the whole teams flaws, individually and as a whole, but then goes against all the advice and instruction that they give everyone else.

  They will give everyone that irritated look or tell them what they need to do to fix their positioning, technique, or strategy anytime something doesn't go according to plan.  However, once they fuck up or what they tell you doesn't end up working out, they act like it was someone else's fault or just completely re-neg on what they previously said and give you a completely contradictory set of instruction.


Now I don't have a problem with team captains or just anyone else giving some input or suggestions.  Sometimes you are doing shit wrong or the team needs to get their shit together.  But when everyone gets together and makes a game plan and everyone is feeling confident and that 1 person has their fair share of fuck ups, or is not doing anything that everyone just talked about, but then breaks everyone else down and tell them what to do is the worst. 

  Like, I'm the first to point out when I fuck up while playing a game whether it be a real sport or video games, as I have a background in competitive gaming.  Sometime you might not even agree with someone else or vice versa on what the be play or strategy maybe.  But if you're going to call others on the team out then you best be really to point that finger back on yourself.  The best leaders I've always felt are the ones who take blame, and give credit, not the other way around. 



  So whatever you do just make sure that the rant above doesn't describe you when you're competing with your team.  If ya think it might be you, or know exactly who it is, chat with the rest of the team and get that shit squelched because it can literally ruin a team's moral and desire to play with that person; even if it's a good friend.

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